Brand Relaunch: Billie Goes Bold

Billie is the leading provider of Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) payment methods for business customers. The Berlin-based fintech offers technical integration that enables online shops to offer companies and public institutions the most popular payment method in B2B: digital invoice purchasing.

The company had developed from a start-up to a market leader in just a few years. Processes, the number of employees and also the products and business model had changed significantly during this time. However, this was hardly visible, as the brand had remained virtually untouched since its foundation. Therefore, its internal, external and forward-looking brand strategy had to be reworked as Billie's success in the market became increasingly visible.



Our contribution:

Cover Logo Batches
Billie newPitchdeck 09
Bildschirmfoto 2024 01 16 um 16.14.57 Kopie

Buy now, pay later for B2B. A simple idea, needs a simple identity and at the same time room for Billie's people-centred and friendly culture.

01 Bilie opener mockup Smal
"Good design is as little design as possible":
Black, white, bold typography and a unique touch of colour derived from the company's pioneering culture.
03 Billie branding Board Smal
02 BrandBook mockup Smal
04 MobileWebsite Smal
Variant A OP 1 Kopie

Client Feedback

Fabian Roser

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Office Hamburg

– In der alten Tabakfabrik-
Hoheluftchaussee 95
20253 Hamburg

Office Berlin

– Spreestudios, c/o Studio 12 –
Köpenicker Chaussee 4
10317 Berlin







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