Marketing has never been more complex than it is now. A discipline that for a long time revolved primarily around classic brand management and communication is facing many new challenges.
Does our brand act in a clear strategic framework internally, externally and for what lies ahead?
Does our brand act in a clear strategic framework internally, externally and for what lies ahead?
How do we make marketing activities visible efficiently?
How do we coordinate and lead marketing teams and service providers optimally and efficiently?
Which marketing projects really make a change for us?
What role do platforms, data and customer engagement play for us?
How do we design effective processes with the right people?
How does our brand react to change in the media and society?
How do we define, measure and prove success in marketing?
superspring believes that the future belongs to those companies that embrace and actively shape the cultural, business and technical changes of our time.
Kaum ein Unternehmens-Team kann alleine diese Themen meistern. Und genauan diesem Punkt beginnt unsere Aufgabe:
We are working for the transformation of these companies today.
superspring defines brand core, identity and brand values and clearly positions organisations externally, internally and forward.
superspring leverages strategies, platforms and technology to achieve maximum brand impact in the most budget-efficient manner.
superspring implements measures, manages and implements projects with customised teams and comprehensive project expertise.
superspring transforms marketing challenges at the intersection of business, technology and creativity into manageable projects and brings together all necessary disciplines for their implementation. With results that convince rationally and emotionally.
As an independent partner, we help achieve goals wherever there are challenges now.
Creative problem-solving skills, business-oriented approach and digital mindset: Thanks to decades of personal experience in different marketing organizations, we are now combining the best of three worlds in a new offer:
Every collaboration is also always a leap of faith on both sides.
- a bet that the collaboration will work. That is why we
have a code that describes our view of collaboration.
For us, there is no compromise when it comes to the
best result.
For us, openness is the prerequisite for any good relationship. If we do have to speak unpleasant truths for the sake of collaboration or the process, we will do so.
As an owner-managed consulting firm, we act independently and conscientiously. We proactively disclose potential conflicts of interest known to us at an early stage.
We offer strategic marketing consulting that is modular scalable. That's why we implement projects together with a wide variety of specialized expert teams that complement us.
Wir verpflichten uns sowie unsere Dienstleister:innen zur absoluten Verschwiegenheit bezüglich aller Geschäfts- und Prozessgeheimnisse unserer Kund:innen.
Honorare und kalkulierte Kosten stehen im angemessenen Verhältnis zur Leistung bzw. dem Ergebnis. Sie werden vor Beginn der Zusammenarbeit transparent gemacht und mit den Auftragsbedingungen abgestimmt.
Only those who know how new processes, technologies and methods work can provide advice. That is why we we train ourselves systematically and continuously. Our knowledge is our most important asset.
superspring was founded in 2022 by Gerald Hensel, Fabian Roser and Tobias Weißenfels. With a combined 64 years of experience in agencies, startups and consulting, the three wanted to create something new together. The gap in many modern marketing offerings seemed too obvious to them.
Gerald is strategist. His professional journey began in 1996 and has taken him through top agencies and consultancies in Germany, the Netherlands, the UK and the USA. The first years as a copywriter, then as a UX designer and for 15 years now as a strategist with a brand and digital focus.
With the explosion of possibilities on the Internet, the opportunity to think about different marketing skills in a more integrated way also increased. Conception and brand planning were essentially two things Gerald tried to think about in an integrated way as a strategist back then. With this concept, he also shaped the planner community in Germany over the last 15 years
Gerald loves diversity and strongly believes that good strategy requires an attitude towards the world. This is expressed in frequent publications, his widely read newsletter and various projects he is constantly dreaming up. These include his blog Neue Bellona, which the political scientist with a degree in security policy runs on the side.
And, of course, his work as co-founder of Germany's most successful organization against online violence, HateAid. Gerald considers himself a "pretty good" karaoke singer, which is not true. He is nevertheless happily married and a proud dad.
Fabian is a top creative, who has spent the last two decades in senior positions at some of the best agencies in the world: including Jung von Matt, Scholz & Friends, Razorfish, DDB and Ogilvy in Dubai - where he also met his wife.
Während seinen letzten beruflichen Stationen war Fabian als Geschäftsführer einiger großer Agenturen für wesentliche Pitchgewinne und die Weiterentwicklung von Key Accounts global verantwortlich. Als Partner bei superspring steuert er das bei, was kaum eine Beratung an Bord hat: Einen wirklich strategisch denkenden Kreativen, der einige der größten Marken der Welt erfolgreich betreut hat. Fabians Geheimwaffe ist sein Arbeitsethos: Extrem hohe Kreativität, gepaart mit hoher Strukturiertheit und Verbindlichkeit im Prozess – die ideale Voraussetzung um Kreativität strategisch zu denken.
Fabian has been in ADC since 2011, a D&AD member since 2017 and on the FWA jury since 2018. Anyone who knows Fabian knows that he loves these juries in particular, in order to continue thinking about what drives us forward. Because that's what it's all about for him: thinking anew, thinking differently, going further, doing.
At superspring, Tobias is the man primarily for processes, technology and customer experience.
Tobias is a structured and pragmatic head who likes to solve problems. Ideally in a very practical and goal-oriented way. It fits that he wasn't always just a management consultant, but learned something very solid beforehand: Industrial mechanic.
Tobias started his marketing career with a degree in marketing communications and a subsequent move into the online marketing business in Berlin and London.
Tobias' career then progressed as a consultant in various agencies and consultancies, where he primarily drove digital transformation and new business. Most recently, he was responsible in this role as a partner at Ogilvy Consulting in Singapore before returning to Berlin.
Tobias professionally drives the technical, organizational and process transformation of marketing from a customer experience perspective. And always with an eye on growth and expansion opportunities for his clients.
superspring Marketing Consulting GmbH
– In der alten Tabakfabrik-
Hoheluftchaussee 95
20253 Hamburg
– Spreestudios, c/o Studio 12 –
Köpenicker Chaussee 4
10317 Berlin
Handelsregisternr.: HRB 180694
Commercial register and register court: Hamburg
VAT No (acc §27a Umsatzsteuergesetz): DE361277950
Authorized representative(s):
Gerald Hensel
Tobias Weißenfels
Fabian Roser
Proud member of
– In der alten Tabakfabrik-
Hoheluftchaussee 95
20253 Hamburg
– Spreestudios, c/o Studio 12 –
Köpenicker Chaussee 4
10317 Berlin
The superspring newsletter with our look at what's coming in marketing - and, of course, what we contribute to it. Sent out regularly and can of course be cancelled at any time.